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Computers are sometimes so small and hidden that we don’t even realize we’re using a computer. Many of us never think about automobiles containing computers. However, today’s vehicles are packed with tiny computers that regulate and monitor systems such as air bags and cruise control. How much more control will computers take from drivers in the future? What are the barriers for autonomous cars?

In this lesson you will learn how to control mechanical processes using computer software and hardware. The software communicates through a hardware interface with different inputs and outputs.

Setting up the VEX Cortex (Teacher Use Only)

All About the VEX Equipment - VEX Wikipedia

Overview: VEX Curriculum


Never Code Before? TRY THIS!!!

Key Terms

Introduction to VEX and Robot C Notes

VEX Testbed Build Instructions Notes

Activity 3.1.1 - Inputs and Outputs Observation Key


VEX Programming Design Notes

Creating Flowcharts Notes


Activity 3.1.2 - Basic Outputs Programming Key

ROBOTC Natural Language Basic Commands

Thresholds with Natural Language (Robot C)


Activity 3.1.3 - Basic Inputs Programming Key


While and If - Else Loops Programming Notes

Flowchart for Conditional Statements


Activity 3.1.4 - If Else and While Loops Key


Variable Function Notes


Activity 3.1.5 - Variable Function Key

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