Mr. Bartos - Teacher Website
This section deals with simplifying radical expressions beyond the type of numbers that we are used to working with. This will be your first introduction to COMPLEX NUMBERS. Complex numbers can be simplified using basic operations as well as rationalizing imaginary denominators. This section also expands on solving radical equations.
Day 1:
Pre-Requisite Skill: In-class Radical Practice
Notes: Introduction to Imaginary Numbers
Homework Solutions: Radical Review Key
Day 2:
Notes: Simplifying the Square Root of Negative Numbers & Powers of i
Check for Understanding: Simplifying Roots of Negative Numbers
Pre-Requisite Skill: Operations of Polynomials Practice
Homework: Operations of Polynomials Review
Homework Solutions: Operations of Polynomials Review Key
Day 3:
Notes: Complex Number Operations
Check for Understanding: Complex Number Operations Practice
Day 4:
In-Class Practice: Unit 1.1 Whiteboard Review
In-Class Practice Solutions: Unit 1.1 Whiteboard Review Key
Homework Solutions: Unit 1.1 Review Key
Day 5:
Notes: Solving Radical Equations
Homework: Solving Radical Equations
Homework Solutions: Solving Radical Equations Key