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Algebra is the foundational high school algebra course with a focus on the study of variables and linear equations. Graphing techniques, abstract reasoning skills, and problem solving skills are developed and applied to real life situations. Algebra provides a strong base for future mathematics, science, and business-related courses. Topics include: the language of algebra, real numbers, solving linear equations, graphing relations and functions, analyzing linear equations, solving linear inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, statistics, and probability.

Advanced Algebra is the capstone algebra course designed to prepare college-bound students for higher level math courses. The course makes regular use of the graphing calculator to make technology an integral part of the problem solving process. Topics include quadratic functions, polynomial functions, radical equations, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic relations, systems of equations, and non-linear inequalities. While similar algebra skills are covered, the material is paced to permit for mastery of content and further skill development.

This course prepares students for the study of Calculus. This course completes the traditional curriculum designed to prepare students for the mathematics of science, engineering, economics,
and architecture-related careers.
Principles Of Engineering (POE) is a high school-level survey course of engineering. The course exposes students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a post secondary engineering course of study. Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, and automation. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.