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Technological systems are not possible without energy, work, and power. In the past, power that was created was often used immediately. These systems did not consist of many steps or processes between the energy source and its end use. Most power used today is stored or made available to the end user when needed. When energy and power changes form, some of it is lost along the way to elements like friction and heat. Engineers are being challenged to find creative ways to generate energy and to make systems more efficient.

In this section you will learn that as energy and power are converted, losses in the system will occur and that such losses affect the overall efficiency of the system.

Key Terms


Energy Sources Notes          

What is Energy?

Bill Nye - Energy Video

Videos: Greatest Discoveries - Energy

Top 10 Energy Sources of the Future

Electrical Careers Research Activity (Time Permitting)


Introduction to Electricity Notes

How do I use a Multimeter?

Lesson 1.2.4 - Circuit Calculations Key

Bill Nye - Electricity Video

Circuit Construction Simulation Link

Lesson 1.2.3 - Electrical Circuits (Simulation) Key

Introduction into Breadboarding

Breadboarding and Electronics Notes 

Work, Energy, and Power Notes

Mechanical System Winch Construction Guide

1.2.5 - Mechanical System Efficiency Simulation Key


1.2 Energy Sources Unit Review Key

"After the Test" - Alternative Fuels & Vehicles Research



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